Navigating Life From The Cross ~ Theme Song

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We pray this song will lift you up
Stumbling through this winding road desert
Lost in shadows murky times a blur
Seek refuge in a sacred light
Findin' hope in the dead of night
Rising sun breaks the darkest sky
Hold on tight spirit starts to fly
Feet on fire from this holy ground
Cross my compass soul unbound
Navigating life from the cross yeah
Guided by the scars and love lost yeah
Breath of life wind in my sails
Faith moves mountains breaks the trails
Hands lifted weightless endless praise
Echoes through the broken nights and days
Strumming strings a melody divine
Each note takes me closer to the line
Won't back down in the stormy gales
Belief like anchors never fails
Hearts embracing every sacrifice
Navigating life from the cross yeah
Shadows fade with every loss yeah
Breath of life wind in my sails
Faith moves mountains breaks the trails