Navigating Life From The Cross

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Heaven's Anthem - You Cannot Listen Just Once - Worship Song

Heaven's Anthem

Worship Song

You Cannot Listen Just Once - Worship Song

Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 5:3 (NKJV)

Eyes lifted to the sky, praying
Searchin' for light in the dark
Heavenly home where we're staying
In the Savior’s kingdom, embark

[Verse 2]
Eager hearts breathin' the promise
Waitin' for His grace to descend
Lord Jesus, our anchor in chaos
All our sins He’ll rescind

Oh citizenship in heaven
Where our souls will find peace
Eagerly we wait oh listen
For His love to release

[Verse 3]
Crossroads of pain and redemption
He’s the light in this long, twisted road
Our spirits lifted no deception
Burdens lightened from the heavy load

[Verse 4]
Hands reaching through the veil aching
For the embrace of the Lord
Praises rising, never faking
Faith in Him, our accord

Oh, citizenship in heaven
Where our souls will find peace
Eagerly we wait, Oh listen
For His love to release

Jesus' Promise of Comfort-Worship Song with Lyrics

Man of Sorrows

Jesus' Promise of Comfort-Worship Song with Lyrics

Find Peace in the Man of Sorrows

Man of sorrows in the night
Despised and scorned by men
Acquainted with our grief and pain
Carried our sins again

[Verse 2]
Torn and beaten left alone
Our faces turned away
He bore the weight of every sin
In silence He would stay

We cry out We cry out
To the Man of sorrows now
He heals us He saves us
With His love we are found

[Verse 3]
Rejected by the world below
Unworthy hearts so blind
He laid His life to pay our debt
Compassion so divine

We cry out we cry out
To the Man of sorrows now
He heals us He saves us
With His love we are found

He walked the road to Calvary
Lifted high on that tree
Victory through suffering
He sets the captives free
