Navigating Life From The Cross

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How To Make Your Dream A Reality


In the video "Make Your Vision Happen—Act Now," Pastor Scott Thom emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action to turn dreams and visions into reality. He encourages viewers to identify their goals, trust in God’s plan, and commit to taking tangible steps toward their aspirations. The message focuses on overcoming procrastination and fear, fostering a mindset of determination and faith.

Discussion Questions
1. What specific vision or goal do you want to pursue now?
2. What obstacles do you face in taking action towards your vision?
3. How can faith play a role in overcoming fear and doubt?
4. What practical steps can you take this week to reach your goal?
5. How can we support each other in our journeys?

Prayer Points
• Pray for clarity in identifying personal visions and goals.
• Ask for strength and courage to take actionable steps.
• Seek guidance to overcome any fears or procrastination.
• Pray for the community to support and uplift each other in their pursuits.
• Thank God for the opportunities and resources available to achieve our visions.

Action Steps
1. Write down your vision and break it into smaller, actionable steps.
2. Set a timeline for achieving each step and hold yourself accountable.
3. Share your vision with a friend or mentor for support.
4. Reflect on your progress regularly and adjust your plan as needed.
5. Engage in prayer or meditation to strengthen your resolve and focus.

Keywords for You
• Vision
• Goal setting
• Faith
• Action steps
• Motivation
• Overcoming fear
• Community support
• Pastor Scott Thom
• Personal growth
• Spiritual guidance

Posted by Scott Thom with

3 Steps to Boost Confidence and Self-Worth

In the video "3 Steps to Boost Confidence and Self-Worth," Pastor Scott Thom discusses how to enhance self-worth and confidence through three key areas: character, competence, and the promises of Jesus. He emphasizes that true self-worth is grounded in one’s character and values, the development of skills and abilities, and ultimately, the unconditional love and validation found in Christ. He encourages viewers to avoid comparison with others and instead focus on personal growth and relationship with God. - Join Pastor Scott's church no matter where you are.

Discussion Questions
1. How do you define character, and why is it essential for self-worth?
2. What skills or abilities do you currently possess that you might undervalue?
3. In what ways can Jesus’s promises impact your self-perception and confidence?
4. How can we support each other in avoiding the comparison trap?
5. What steps can you take this week to build your character or competence?

Prayer Points
• Pray for clarity in understanding your unique value and identity in Christ.
• Ask for strength and guidance in developing your character and skills.
• Seek God’s help in releasing feelings of self-doubt and comparison to others.
• Pray for the ability to celebrate personal victories, no matter how small.
• Ask for wisdom to encourage and uplift others in their confidence journey.

Action Steps
1. Identify one character trait you want to work on this week.
2. Choose a skill to develop or improve and dedicate time to practice it.
3. Reflect daily on your worth in Christ and write down specific promises that resonate with you.
4. Avoid comparing yourself to others; instead, track your personal growth.
5. Celebrate a small victory this week and share it with someone to encourage them.

Keywords for You
• Confidence building
• Self-worth
• Christian encouragement
• Character development
• Jesus’s promises
• Personal growth
• Overcoming self-doubt
• Faith and self-esteem
• Competence and skills
• Avoiding comparison

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